Thursday, March 7, 2013


Schizophrenia is a devastating disorder that disrupts cognition and emotion. It affects language, thought, perception, affect, and an someones sense of self. Furthermore, recent researchers have indicated that cognitive difficulties as in information processing, planning, regulating goal directed behavior, tending and memory etc.
argon associated with dementia praecox. Previously, the goal of treatment for individuals with schizophrenia is maintenance, however the current goal for treatment is to help patients cure from schizophrenia (Module 4 Notes, 2009).
The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is close 1% in the US. This is a very alarming statistic, because it nub that one out of every 100 individuals will erupt this devastating condition in their lifetime. The epidemiological state about schizophrenia varies depending on the source and the geographical location. The incidence of schizophrenia is higher among individual born in the urban welkin of the industrialized countries. However, the incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia is the same only over the world. The lifetime prevalence rate for schizophrenia by the National Institute of Mental Health is 0.6 to 1.9%. The DSM-IV-TR annual report of the incidence of schizophrenia ranges from 0.5 to 5.

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0 per 100,000 (Sadock, & Sadock 2007) I am not sure enough if it is all right to predict that there will be an increase in rate of occurrence of schizophrenia. This is because there is induction of a genetic involvement in the etiology of schizophrenia. In addition, patients with schizophrenia are no longer treated in seclusion; as such they are able to make like the general population.
Over the centuries, there have been umteen theories about the causes of psychic illness. One of the earliest theories suggested that psychotic disorders are due to possession by the d sin or evil spirits or due to punishment by the gods. others believed that mental illness was due to vapors or pressure on the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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